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Friday, October 8, 2010

Our next Chief Justice of California is Pinay!

Congratulations to Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye for being confirmed this past August as the next California Chief Justice! She still has to go through an election process in November but is expected to be approved. Not only will she be California's first non-white to head its high court but also the first Filipino-American chief justice.

Born in 1959, Tani grew up in Sacramento and received her law degree from U.C.Davis. Her father worked on a sugar plantation in Hawaii and her mother was also a farm worker. Her parents met in Sacramento and raised four children. She is married to a Sacramento Police Lieutenant and they have two young daughters. You can find out more about her life and legal career here.

Shout out to my lawyer brother-in-law for bringing this to my attention...Thanks Kuya Thor!


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